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Book Trails

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  • Location: Bath

The Disappearance

1917, 1946: A disappearance, a discovery and a search for the truth…

  • Location: Slaughterford

The Hiding Places

1922: Slaughter comes to Slaughterford

  • Location: Muscat, Oman (Arabia)

The English Girl

1890s, 1930s, 1950s: The city of Muscat in Arabia has held a life long fascination for a fledgling archaeologist. But what secrets does it really…

  • Location: Puglia

The Night Falling

1920s –  The opulence of Puglia contrasted with the horrific poverty of the war veterans and settings that will take your breath away. Based on…

  • Location: Bath

The Misbegotten

1800s: What lies behind the facades of those respectable houses in Bath?

Featured Book

Dark Island

2000s: Midwinter in Orkney. Six hours of daylight. A race against time to catch a killer.

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